To relaunch mobile newsfeed and transform into desktop version with UX/UI significant improvements based on world best media UX-practices. To increase audience engagement, attendance and readability of the mobile newsfeed and attract new authors.
Date january 2022
Intranet owner Corporate Communications
Number of users 48 000
Geography Russia
IT solution 1C-Bitrix: Site Management
Interface and navigation audit, gave recommendations for UX-improving and expanding the functionality
We conducted an audit and gave an expert assessment of the current solution. We collected and analyzed requirements and developments of the business stakeholders, formulated a common vision of the product.
Usage statistics analysis
Analyzed the statistics of the mobile newsfeed usage: DAU, MAU, as well as quantity and quality of UGC.
Deep interviews
We conducted interviews with the editors, channel authors and readers of the mobile newsfeed. Identified the needs and pains of each audience.
Development of the updated concept of the Mobile newsfeed
We have formed an updated concept of the home page taking into account the best practices of world most popular digital media and social networks:
— An «endless» newsfeed with dynamic content load based on user interests and subscriptions
— Interactive stories for important and temporary information guides
— Easy setup of the feed based on subscriptions to channels and «interests» (tags)
— Notifications about updates in channels, bookmarks for posts, the ability to adjust the font size
Development of design concepts
We have developed UI-kit and more than 30 designs for desktop and mobile versions, including page prototypes:
— Home page
— Stories
— News
— Channel
— Contests
— Video broadcasts
— User profile
— Channel management and individual newsfeed settings page