make the series about horizontal interaction
Corporate videos and series often created in the same (spoiler: inefficient) format. Boring information, categorical statements, low quality video product. We decided to change the principle of working on them: to immerse viewers in ordinary cinema history without being tied to the company.
The series highlights the problem of difficult horizontal communications in the company. Employees are used to communicate too irrational: there are long term e-mail correspondence instead of 5-minutes meeting, bureaucracy, waiting for answers which are not supposed to be. The series clearly shows how simple it is to solve those problems.
We named a new format Corporate Netflix and there is a connection not only with the series.

Problem of the series
The series highlights the work of employees, the problems they face, and most importantly — shows how they can be solved.
For example, there was an acute question of difficult horizontal communications. Employees are accustomed to interacting extremely irrationally: instead of a five-minute meeting — long correspondence in e-mail, bureaucracy, waiting for answers, which may not be there. The series clearly demonstrates the simplicity of solving such problems.
Episode 1: Abyss
The plot focuses on the failed quarter, or rather, the failed communication, and after that the quarter. If you are like the characters of the episode and don’t know the surname of the person sitting next to you so go and see the video and then go get acquainted.

Episode 2: Collective image
This episode dedicated to exactly long term and meaningless communicates. All the coincidence is accidental of course, but the fact that everything is based on real events cannot be denied.
The main character will face many not only working, but also psychological problems, the solution of which he will unexpectedly find... in the same elevator with his colleagues.

Episode 3: Workaholic
When one of the employees have to do a project collaborated with the coworkers, all that remains for everyone is to wait for news and new challenges. But the author’s expectations do not always coincide with the real capabilities of his colleagues.
How, and most importantly, with whom to agree on participation in the first place, says the series «Workaholic». And if you believe that this is irrelevant for you, we assure you — relevant.

Corporate Netflix
What’s that got to do with Netflix? It’s all about quality: a scenario according to the laws of storytelling, directing, casting of actors (not employees), high-quality production and post-production give us the right to declare — this is a «Netflix» approach. Series can be watched separately from each other, but at the same time they have a common vector, a similar style and cross-cutting characters.
A large number of implemented projects in which we decided to combine business, video and feature films. Therefore, the question «Who should I contact?» no longer arises.