01 september 2015

What you never knew about Russian intranets

Culture impacts all elements of life, and intranets are no exception. As an intranet consultant, and having worked in this area for more than 10 years, I am passionate about intranets and digital workplaces. This blog goes some way to enlighten you on Russian culture and how it affects the way in which we design, build and use our intranets.

Little known facts about Russia

Little known facts about Russian intranets

How users differ

How users differ

Of course, things are changing. Ten years ago we used to stand in line for hours at polyclinics, public institutions and banks. Nowadays, we will wait just 5–10 minutes — but still get annoyed! Queueing was minimized by a digital government through what is known as GosUslugi, a public service portal where more than 1,000 government services are available to citizens, businesses and expats. For example, I use it to check my pension and to pay taxes, to book a doctor’s appointment, to request kindergarten for my daughter, to register a new car, and to pay to park anywhere in the city.

To draw the comparison, if you imagine citizens as employees of the government, I would say that GosUslugi is one of the largest digital workplaces in the world, with 64 million users. It has solved many business needs of the government — it optimizes processes and resources, develops customer loyalty and helps to generate money. In 2017, more than 30 billion rubles were paid to the government through the portal and more than 1.3 billion services provided.

Join my session on DW24 where I will showcase some of Russia’s best intranets and digital workplaces.

About the author

Elena Bogdanova has been in the intranet space for more than 10 years. Starting as an internal developer, she took on the challenges of being an intranet project manager and leader, before ending up as an intranet consultant. Elena works with some of Russia’s top-ranking companies in the retail, banking, telecoms and metal industries. Her team annually runs unique benchmark research in Russia. More than 100 companies have participated during the last 3 years. She has been tireless in fostering the Russian intranet community, participating as conference coordinator, inviting foreign experts, blogging and translating world practices. In 2017, Elena translated and shared 25 videos from Intra.Net Reloaded Berlin with the Russian intranet community via her video blog. She is in love with intranets and really believes that great intranets can change employees’ lives in a positive way.

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